
“Option Volume and Stock Prices: Evidence on Where Informed Traders Trade" with David Easley and Maureen O'Hara, Journal of Finance, April 1998, vol. LIII, No. 2, pp.: 431-465.  


 “Do Investment Regulations Compromise Pension Fund Performance?”, with Juan Yermo, Revista de Analisis Economico, Vol.  14, No. 1, pp. 67-120, June 1999, Santiago, Chile.  


“Regulating Private Pension Funds’ Structure, Performance, and Investments: Cross-country Evidence”, with Edward Whitehouse and Juan Yermo, Journal of Applied Social Science Studies, 2000, vol. 120, pp. 363-413. 


“Pension Reform”, with Fernando Montes-Negret, in Marcelo Giugale, Olivier Lafourcade, and Vinh Nguyen (eds.) Mexico: A Comprehensive Development Agenda for the New Era, 2001, pp. 223-240, The World Bank. 


“Risk Management through International Diversification: The Case of Latin American Pension Funds”, with Juan Yermo, in Zvi Bodie, Brett Hammond, Olivia Mitchell, and Stephen Zeldes, (eds.), Innovations in Retirement Financing, 2002, University of Pennsylvania Press. 


“The Future of Pension Reform in Latin America”, with David de Ferranti and Danny Leipziger. Finance and Development, September 2002. 


“Institutional Mechanisms in Pension Fund Management: Lessons from Three Indian Case Studies”, with Susan Thomas, Economic & Political Weekly, February 22, 2003, pp. 706-715. 


“Investing Retirement Assets: Lessons from the Indian Experience”, with Susan Thomas in Anand Bordia and Gautam Bharadwaj (eds.), Rethinking Pension Provision for India, 2003, Tata McGraw-Hill. 


“The Role of State Owned Banks in Indonesia”, with Djauhari Sitorus  in Jonathan Fiechter, Robert Litan, and Gerard Caprio (eds.), The Role of State Owned Financial Institutions: Policy and Practice (2004),  Brookings Institution Press. 


“Indonesia’s Financial Sector Reforms: A Glass Half-full”, Indonesia Strategic Review, Jan-Mar 2013.


“Renminbi Internationalisation (I): A Historical Review and China’s Policy Measures”, with Rujie Cheng, EAI Background Brief No. 1597, July 2021.


“Renminbi Internationalisation (II): Progress and Prospects”, with Ruijie Cheng, EAI Background Brief No. 1598, July 2021.


“China’s New Stock Exchange for Small and Medium Enterprises”, EAI Commentary No. 38, October 2021.


“China’s Push for More Market-based Financing”, with Bert Hofman, EAI Background Brief No. 1631, February 2022.


“Renminbi Internationalisation and the Impossible Trinity”, with Ruijie Cheng, EAI Background Brief No. 1641, March 2022.


“Can China’s CIPS Help Russia After its Ban from SWIFT?”, EAI Commentary No. 47, March 2022.


“Renminbi Internationalisation and Trilemma Constraints”, with Ruijie Cheng, EAI Working Paper No. 169, April 2022.


“New Development Bank’s Role in the International Financial Architecture”, with Bert Hofman, EAI Background Brief No. 1660, July 2022.